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WPGM Commentary: Sofia Lafuente Offers Up Angst And Glory On Her New EP ‘Habits’

Welcome. Before we begin, I want to thank you for taking the 20 (ish) minutes it will take to soak up my latest project in all its angst and glory. Written largely throughout the pandemic, using a combination of voice notes and bad wi-fi zoom sessions, I honestly just want to thank you for taking the time to listen. It means the world.

Now… I am never going to judge how somebody decides to listen to my music, but if you so choose to be guided, below you can find instructions that will curate your listening evening. Before you start, I suggest you dim the lights, grab a glass of wine (herbal tea will also do) and let’s dive in…

Are You Listening?

Okay, this is where we begin. The sun has just set, you’ve got your drink of choice and you’ve dimmed the lights. Don’t worry. The production of this introductory chapter was specifically made to ease you into the world.

You’re nervous, a little apprehensive but that’s ok, because that’s exactly what this song is about. That gut-feeling realisation that you’ve fallen for somebody new. It’s scary, overwhelming but also fills you up completely with amazing love hormones and we all know how good those feel.


Now we’re in it. Up-tempo, with a little Spanish thrown in for fun, give into those feelings. No hesitation anymore, remember the ‘So Hot You’re Hurting my Feelings’ dance that went viral? Do it to this. It’s that kind of song.


Here’s the vulnerable one. Think back to lockdown number two or three. Once all the banana breads had been baked, you’d perfected your skincare routine and Tiger King was just a far-off memory. Did you…

a) Find yourself surrounded by piles of Amazon items bought in a 2am craze with hopes they would fill the void?
b) Text ‘that’ ex because weeks of overthinking made you feel like one ‘final’ conversation would give you the closure you had been missing?
c) Give in to those Better-Help targeted ads and finally start therapy?

This one is the song for you. It’s quieter, a ballad but listen to the lyrics and hopefully it’ll make you feel like you really weren’t alone in those moments. You’re at step one of the journey to healing your inner child and we’re all right there with you.

Think About It

Now we’re really in it. Written at the peak realization of lockdown being a very real and very permanent thing, this is THE song to let out the drama. You can soak up the moment of catharsis. Hopefully, by this point, you’re feeling a little buzz, so feel free to go all out and feel all the feels. I would really recommend you scream the words to the bridge as they were intended to be.

Domestic Bliss

Let’s end this thing like the end of your favorite 2000s indie movie. With child-like hope and a lot 80s synth bass, this one should be saved for road trips and summer flings. In fact, I highly suggest you listen to this as soon as you set foot on that Ryanair flight to Mallorca. And I’m being 100% serious about this.

It’s Summer of ‘22 and anything can happen. For now, I want you to dance alone in your bedroom and fully give into the JOY. I want you to feel beautiful and bold and fearless like you’ve been through the worst of it and you’re finally seeing that little shimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. WE MADE IT.

Thank you so much for listening. Un abrazo

Words by Sofia Lafuente // Follow her on Facebook + Instagram

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