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WPGM Commentary: NOANNE Captures Anger And Vulnerability On ‘Everything I Hate About You’

My name is NOANNE and I’ve always been fascinated by the emotional rollercoaster of relationships – how love can exist alongside something as raw and destructive as hatred. It’s this chaotic duality that inspired me to create “Everything I Hate About You.”

The song digs into that space where love flips to hate in the blink of an eye, and yet, there’s still something that keeps you tied to that person, no matter how much you want to break free. It’s a dark, raw rock-n-roll track that is as much about anger as it is about vulnerability.

The inspiration for this song didn’t come from a single moment, but rather, a series of intense feelings I’ve experienced in my own relationships. I think we’ve all had those times where, in the heat of an argument, you think, “I could just kill him/her,” but what fascinates me is that even in those moments of frustration and rage, there’s still an undeniable attraction, a twisted kind of love that lingers.

I wanted to capture that intensity, that emotional confusion, in the music and lyrics. The song kicks off with a declaration: “I hate everything about you, there’s nothing left to love.”

It’s the rawest form of honesty, but as the song progresses, you realize that even though the narrator is filled with hatred, there’s an undeniable pull that keeps her from fully detaching. The lyrics reflect this internal struggle, flipping between resentment and the lingering desire to be close to someone who has caused pain.

Co-writing with Gregory Darling this track was an exciting process. I came to him with the lyrics and a rough idea of how I wanted the song to sound. Initially, I performed it with a musician, and we went for something reminiscent of The Doors—a kind of raw, nostalgic rock vibe.

Gregory and I knew we needed to evolve it, though. We wanted something more explosive, more aggressive, and more reflective of the emotional turmoil embedded in the song’s core. We spent time experimenting with different sounds, eventually landing on this high-energy rock-n-roll production that perfectly encapsulates the intensity of the lyrics.

There’s a personal element to this song as well. I wrote it during a period of frustration, and it all came together on one of those sunny summer days where everything is supposed to feel light and easy, but instead, I felt a deep sense of anger towards someone who was a big part of my life at the time.

That anger, though, ended up fueling something incredibly cathartic—a song that not only expresses that frustration but also lets it breathe and exist in its purest form. I think that’s what makes it so powerful. It’s unapologetic in its honesty.

The music video for “Everything I Hate About You” pushes these themes even further. The visual narrative follows a woman on the edge, who, after an argument, contemplates taking extreme action. But instead of opting for something as simple as pulling the trigger, she uses a machete.

It’s grotesque, absurd, and darkly comedic, but it’s also a reflection of those extreme thoughts we all have from time to time. The video exaggerates the emotional intensity to the point where it feels surreal, and that’s exactly what I wanted—to showcase the absurdity of letting hatred completely take over.

Unfortunately, due to the intensity of the video, we ran into some censorship issues, which means YouTube won’t allow it to be promoted in the same way as my previous videos. But I don’t mind – it’s a testament to how far we pushed the boundaries. As David Bowie once said, “If you feel safe, you’re probably in the wrong field.” I live by that sentiment. “Everything I Hate About You” was never meant to play it safe.

Ultimately, the song and the video are both explorations of emotional extremes. It’s about the love-hate dynamic that exists in so many relationships—the way we can be drawn to someone, even when they hurt us. It’s uncomfortable, it’s raw, and it’s real.

For me, “Everything I Hate About You” is a sonic adventure into those dark, messy places we don’t often talk about but all experience. It’s a celebration of the absurdity and intensity of human emotion – wrapped up in a rock-n-roll package.

Watch the video for “Everything I Hate About You” below and stream it everywhere else here.

Word by NOANNE // Follow her on Instagram + TikTok

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