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WPGM Commentary: Rose White Celebrates Her Life In London On Debut EP ‘One Fourth Mark’

Hello! I’m Rose White. I’m a Polish born and London based singer-songwriter, writing music that people can relate to.

I came to London with £300, two suitcases and a dream to tell my truth through lyrics and my voice. Beginnings were tough, it took a lot of determination and perseverance to create a reality in which I’ve always wanted to live.

My London adventure started with me working 50 hours a week as a waitress and attending numerous open mics whenever I had an evening off. It was trying to make a living, stay independent and not forget about why I came to London in the first place – for music.

I met interesting people on the way. Each one of them left a mark on me and let me grow on my journey. I have fond memories of some; I also know which mistakes not to make again.

The biggest challenge was staying true to myself as a young female in an industry dominated by men. I was silenced, patronised, looked down on, but it only made me stronger.

After 5 years I finally found a group of people that treated me equally and was genuinely passionate about making music with me. I am forever grateful for this bunch, because they let me express my vision and trusted the process.

The concept for my new EP One Fourth Mark sparked in my head, when I was at my lowest. 2022 was a bittersweet year for me. The year when I achieved a lot professionally, but my private life took a dip.

I wrote the title track of the EP “One Fourth Mark” one week after a hurtful breakup. In the original demo (the studio version is all about disco!), I mixed heartbreaking vocals with weeping guitar sounds. You could hear the pain in my voice. Writing this song was an exhilarating experience; it made me want to tell my story.

This EP talks about life after turning 25 years old. It’s extremely personal in every single aspect; from the music to the lyrics. I wrote about relationships, mental health, and being a woman in current society.

“Wave Is Coming” is an anthem to all the females trying to make it in the music industry; “Evil Side” celebrates imperfections we all have and teaches us how to embrace them, while “Filthy Dream” is a lesson dressed in a metaphor – toxic relationships can suck us in, make us think we live in a fairytale.

I also decided to include two tracks that are very personal, a love song “Ivory” and “I Wish You Let Me Go Sooner” (self-explanatory I think; the title tells you what the song is about).

I am grateful I got to work on these songs with not only very talented musicians, but also my friends. They made me feel comfortable, understood, they helped me regain my power and my voice.

One Fourth Mark is a celebration of my life in London. It’s been a bumpy road, but every mistake, obstacle, encounter was a lesson that made me a more experienced human being and artist. I want people to relate to my stories and remember there’s no such thing as ‘impossible’.

Today, I am excited to move on to my next projects. After the release, I decided to go back to my studio and start writing again. This is my favourite part of the process. I usually come up with a lyrical concept first and map out the whole song around it.

That means I get to search for inspiration: read more books, poems, watch movies, listen to undiscovered bands as well as meet new people and hear their life stories. You never know what will inspire you.

This time is about travelling, new experiences and challenges. I don’t know where the journey will take me, but I’m excited to embark upon it.

I am extremely excited for the future and the unknown that I’m facing today.

For now, One Fourth Mark is yours forever. Listen to it below and stream it everywhere else here.

Words by Rose White // Follow her on Instagram + Twitter

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