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WPGM Reviews: Mother Mother Live At O2 Institute Birmingham

Mother Mother’s performance at O2 Institute Birmingham in Birmingham was an immersive journey into the heart of indie rock fans. As the lights dimmed, the anticipation filled the air as they waited for the band to make their way onto the stage and begin what was set to be an exciting night of music.

Excitement was heard throughout the room, along with cheers and applause. As the lights turned red and the band made their entrance, the crowd erupted with cheers and the enthusiasm filled every corner of the room. It was a moment of unity amongst the audience as Mother Mother began to share their music with the people of Birmingham.

The band kicked off the evening with “Nobody Escapes”. The haunting melody swept the room. Lead singer Ryan Guldemond’s vocals were filled with emotion as he delivered the lyrics that had the crowd singing back every word. Following, Mother Mother seamlessly transitioned into “Arms Tonite”, as the haunting harmonies and melodies swept through the room.

The mood then shifted with the opening chords of “Hayloft II” instantly recognisable, the song ignited a spark of excitement within the crowd, with the catchy melody and infectious hook. Fans danced excitedly and sang every word with the band, which didn’t go unnoticed.

With smiles beaming across the faces of each member on stage, the energy continued throughout the band’s set. As the show continued, Mother Mother showcased their versatility, effortlessly shifting into the track “Sleep Awake”. Guitarist Molly Guldemond and vocalist Jasmin Parkin shone on tracks like “Explode!” And “Wisdom”, their harmonies adding depth and dimension to the band’s sound.

Some highlights of the evening included the anthemic track “Hayloft II”, and “Ghosting”, which left the crowd hanging on every word. The band’s performance of “Oh Ana” stood out, with Guldemond’s vocals drawing cheers and applause from the crowd.

As the night drew close, and after a setlist consisting of 22 tracks, Mother Mother returned to stage for an encore, treating fans to an electrifying performance of “Grief Chapter” before closing out the evening with the explosive “Burning Pile”, a song about defiance and resilience in the face of reality. The venue was filled with loud applauses as the band took their final bows, leaving the audience wanting more.

Mother Mother had taken their audience on an emotional rollercoaster. It was also the sense of community that made the night even more special. From the audience singing back every word, to the interactions between the band members and fans, there was a connection that brought people together. Where the bridge between fan and artist can sometimes feel blurred, Mother Mother closed that gap and allowed people to celebrate through the power of music.

In the end, Mother Mother’s live show was a testament to the power of the band’s music, with the power to connect. From their stage presence and musicianship, to the lyrics, they left an undeniable impression on the people of Birmingham who were lucky enough to witness the band live and cementing their status as one of indie rock’s most compelling and captivating acts.

Word by Sarah Akomanyi

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