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WPGM Reviews: The Lottery Winners Live At Engine Rooms (In Pictures)

I had the pleasure of seeing The Lottery Winners on tour at Engine Rooms in Southampton for the release of their new album, Anxiety Replacement Therapy. It was made even more special as it was also in celebration of the 55-year anniversary for The Joiners Southampton.

I don’t think I can say this enough, if you have the chance to see The Lottery Winners please go and see them – they will not disappoint! They have such an amazing stage presence, the whole crowd were dancing and having a great time without a care in the world.

After seeing them open for Frank Turner back in February, I have not shut-up about them to all of my friends and they have all thanked me for recommending what is now their new favourite band. Their music is well-written and it has a deep and full sound. I personally put them in a pop-rock genre but I’ve been told I’m wrong they are 100% rock, especially with Boy George featuring on this new album too.

My personal favourite song on their new album is “Worry”. It is an earworm of a song that sums up the feeling for so many of us – the way in which worry plays on our minds, but leaving us with hope that it’s all going to be okay in the end.

Special mentions to their opening act, Jerry Willams. I haven’t seen her perform in a while and the last time I saw her she was playing in a band. It was nice to hear her music, particularly the song “Buddy”. It was just her and her guitar on stage and she did a wonderful job warming up the crowd and throwing in some covers for the crowd to sing along to.

The second opening act, Pets Needs, a pop-punk band through and through. I haven’t seen them live before as I just kept missing them but they really do have a great community and a devoted fan base with people wearing shirts like ‘Jack’s My Favourite’ (he’s the drummer).

I can’t wait to see where they go next, especially now they are coming up on 18 months of going all in and quitting their jobs to pursue their music. I think it’s only a matter of time until we see them in the top 100 list.

Words + photography by Cydnee Brook

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