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WPGM Reviews: Wallows Live At O2 Academy Birmingham (In Pictures)

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Following a sold out show at Birmingham’s O2 Academy and the second time the band had played in the city, Wallows were ready to give it their all for their long awaited return.

With vibrant visuals, an energetic performance and with the crowd singing back every word, this was an evening that Wallows were sure to remember and brought back the reason as to why they loved performing here in the UK.

The support act for the night was indie rock singer MAY_A. They brought a lot of energy which was needed to kick things off. This definitely continued throughout their set which had the crowd loving every moment.

With crowd interaction by making everyone get low before jumping up in unison as the best dropped, this added just another level of it being an enjoyable set.

Bringing her authentic and confident attitude to the stage, the chemistry that she had with her band translated to the crowd and meant everyone was feeding off the energy. This was definitely the sort of energy that was needed and it didn’t disappear as soon as the last song was sung.

With lights positioned on both sides of the stage, this set the tone for the set, creating an intimate atmosphere in the room. As Wallows took to the stage, they were greeted with loud cheers of excitement from everyone in the room as they opened with “I Don’t Want To Talk”.

As the show went on, the crowd became even more excitable, especially when the band addressed the audience. Performing tracks including ‘Treacherous Doctor’, allowed the band to show off even more of their skill as a band. From the vocals to the instrumentals, it was all on top form that night.

Capturing a range of styles and influences, Wallows were able to bring a mixture of different sounds, showing their versatility. There was no song that the crowd were not enjoying, whether it was singing at the top of their lungs are dancing around. Switching things up a little with ‘Quarterback, Braeden Lemasters was able to take center stage, which was welcomed with cheers from the whole room.

Starting off slowly, “Guitar Romantic Search Adventure” provided a soft atmosphere, especially as it started building up. There were smiles on the faces of everyone in the crowd, as they took in every word that Dylan was saying. It wouldn’t be a Wallows set if they didn’t play fan favourite, “Are You Bored Yet?”, which the crowd went crazy for.

The setlist provided a mixture of older and newer tracks which meant there was something for everyone. Both the band and the fans were enjoying every moment and it was evident to see throughout the show, as well as the band’s admiration for their fans and the love they have for getting up on stage to create moments like this show.

Words + photography by Sarah Akomanyi

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